5 Treatment Options for People Living With Depression

Treatment Options for Depression

Depression is not about just feeling sad; it is feelings of intense hopelessness, worthlessness and guilt. You or someone you love may feel as though the world is caving in around them, and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. It frequently results from various complex psychological, social and biological factors. Fortunately, there are various treatment options for depression.

In this article, we explain what clinical depression is and what treatment options are available. That way, you or the person you love can get back on track toward feeling better.

What Is Clinical Depression?

When someone refers to clinical depression, they are often referencing major depressive disorder - the most common type of depression. It can impact a person at any age, from children and teens to adults.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is diagnosed when depression symptoms last longer than two weeks. However, it may present differently depending on the life stage of the individual experiencing it.

Clinical Depression in Children and Teens

For children and teens, they may feel sad, discouraged, or agitated for more than a couple of weeks. Children and teens tend to focus on problems rather than solutions. They may become very self-critical, lose interest in their regular activities, and begin to withdrawal from family and friends.

As a parent, it may be hard to recognize the signs in your child or teen. However, if you notice that their moods and feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and sadness last longer than a few weeks, it is likely a good idea to book an appointment with their doctor. The sooner treatment is sought out, the better the outcome.

Clinical Depression in Adults

Depression in adults presents itself in similar ways: a person may begin to miss work often or avoid social events, they may struggle to sleep or enjoy activities that they used to find fulfillment in. Again, it is important to reach out to friends or family members who you are concerned about and encourage them to seek out help.

The Importance of Treatment

Untreated depression can get worse and lead to ways of self-medicating. This can be very dangerous and put the person at risk of death or illness. An individual with depression is also at a high risk of suicide, making early treatment that much more important. Luckily, there are various treatment options for depression available.

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Anti-depressants have shown to be very effective when it comes to treating depressive disorders. Usually, your doctor or psychotherapist will prescribe these medications if they feel that they are right for you.

Often, it takes some time to find the right one. It may take some testing and measuring, such as trying different types of anti-depressants or medications before you find one that works for you and helps reduce your symptoms.


Psychotherapy refers to talking about your depression and your symptoms with a professional. A common type of psychotherapy, called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can help you reorganize and manage your negative beliefs, thoughts and feelings, as well as understand how they interact with one another.

When it comes to therapy, there is also an abundance of options as to how your treatment session can be carried out. You can talk to a therapist over the phone, through a video call, or in-person. Ultimately, it is about finding what type of therapy works for you, what therapist works for you and what helps you change and improve your life.

In-Patient Therapy and Treatment

In-patient depression treatment involves programs and monitoring throughout your recovery. You may do these programs at a hospital or at a private center. These types of programs or centers are particularly useful for individuals at a high risk of suicide or those who feel they would benefit from a fully immersive treatment option.

Social Support

Throughout your treatment, it is important to talk about your condition with friends and family. Lean on the people you trust and can rely on. It can also help to socialize and try to eventually re-integrate with your previous lifestyle. Socialization has shown to help improve mental well-being and health in many studies and through various research.

Lifestyle Changes

Along with a professional plan and social support, you can begin to eventually make positive changes in your life. It’s all about taking one small step at a time. For instance, focus on eating a balanced and healthy diet to nourish and support your body. Once you feel comfortable, try to get out and exercise. You can do so outside or in a gym setting.

Further, when it comes to lifestyle, it is important to avoid alcohol or drug use. These substances can make depression symptoms worse and they may hinder your recovery. Lastly, look into self-care tactics, such as meditation, taking warm baths, practicing gratitude, or simply participating in an activity you enjoy.

Depression Can Be Managed

It all comes down to finding the right treatment combination for you. Once you do, you can step into a new life where you feel joy once again. It may take some effort and time, but you will and can get there! Look into therapy near you. Find an approach that works. There is hope.

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