A dentist wearing blue latex gloves holding fake teeth.

3 Main Types of Veneers

Types of Veneers

There are several benefits to getting veneers. Whether you want to cover up tooth discoloration, chips, gaps or cracks or have straighter teeth, different types of veneers offer a natural look and feel. In turn, you can smile with confidence and feel good in your own skin. Below, we take a closer look at the most popular types of veneers.

What to Know About Veneers

Veneers are shells that cover the front of your teeth, giving them a more uniform and aesthetic appearance. This procedure doesn’t come cheap. You can expect to pay anywhere from 3,600 pounds to 10,000 pounds ($4,368.96 USD to $12,136 USD), depending on how many teeth you have done.

It’s further important to note that most dental veneer treatments aren’t reversible. Traditionally, the procedure of applying veneers involves removing part of the tooth via grinding and local anesthetic and then applying the veneer in its place. At the same time, there are types of no-prep veneers that require a less invasive procedure. So, let’s take a closer look at the most common types of veneers.

1. Porcelain (Ceramic)

Porcelain veneers (also known as ceramic veneers) last anywhere from 10 to 12 years before they need to be replaced. They are a natural-looking veneer.

The amount of prep that goes into getting these types of veneers is straightforward and fairly minimal. Your dentist starts by grinding down your teeth and taking a mold of them. You may then have temporary veneers until the permanent veneers are made. However, depending on where you go, your dentist may make the veneer right in their own office.

For porcelain veneers, you can expect to pay about 650 pounds to 950 pounds ($788.78 USD to $1152.83 USD) for each tooth. They cost more than other options, such as composite (explored below).

2. Composite

Composite veneers are another popular choice, coming at a more affordable price tag than porcelain or ceramic veneers. However, composite veneers, in comparison, may only last 5 to 10 years.

Costing about 275 pounds to 475 pounds ($333.71 USD to $576.41 USD) per tooth, composite veneers use a tooth-colored filling material. This procedure involves applying a layer of composite until the desired look is achieved. From there, your dentist sculpts the material accordingly and hardens the material with a special light.

3. Non-Prep Veneers

As the name states, non-prep veneers types of veneers don’t require grinding down or etching the tooth for preparation. In fact, these types of veneers actually maintain your tooth structure. They typically last about five to seven years (which can be a downside for some) and cost about 350 pounds to 750 pounds ($424.73 USD to $910.13 USD) for each tooth.

Another benefit? These types of veneers can be removed, which isn’t possible with porcelain or composite veneers.

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There are also various types of non-prep veneers, including:

  • Lumineers. These fit well to most people’s teeth and are very thin.
  • DURAthin veneers. These are thin and almost translucent porcelain layers that don’t involve grinding of the teeth.
  • Vivaneers. This type of non-prep veneer is similar to the Lumineers. They are thin yet strong.

For this type of veneer, your dentist will take impressions of your teeth, then make veneers from these impressions. Applying them may involve lightly etching the surface of your tooth (nothing super invasive), then bonding them to your tooth.

Getting Veneers in Turkey

For all-inclusive packages and affordable dental veneer treatment, many adults in the U.K. choose to fly to Turkey for such procedures. Veneers in Turkey can cost as little as 120 pounds per tooth, which is a significant saving when compared to getting veneers in the U.K.

For your dental veneer treatment, it is important to consider the pros and cons before getting any procedure done. For instance, with porcelain and composite veneers the procedure is permanent, and you will need replacements at set intervals, so this financial commitment also needs to be considered. If you don’t want to commit, non-prep veneers may be more suitable.

Furthermore, traveling for this reason can provide you with a great excuse to see Turkey! While the whole procedure won’t take longer than four days (between the initial appointments and follow-up appointments), you can explore a new country and flash your new pearly whites in all your travel photos.

Again, make sure to plan your finances for your dental veneer treatment. You want to feel confident in your smile and the investment you have made before committing and taking that leap.

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